Παρασκευή 16 Ιουλίου 2021

Τhe difference between the adjectives άσπρος and λευκός

Τhe difference between the adjectives άσπρος and λευκός

Today we will talk about my favorite color, λευκό/white or it is better to call it άσπρο? Have you ever wondered when do we use the one adjective and when the other? Some people say that the adjective λευκός is mostly used in formal speech while the adjective άσπρος in daily life. Is that really so?

Even thought the adjective λευκός is Greek, the word άσπρος is a Latin word. In Roman empire “asprum” was called the low value coin. It was coming by the word “asper”/rough. Little later, Byzantines were calling άσπρα the silver coins in order to focus on their difference from the high value gold coins. So, from the byzantine Greek until today the word got the same meaning as the adjective “λευκός/white”. In most cases we can choose which of the two adjectives we want to use. For example, I can say both άσπρα νύχια and λευκά νύχια/white nails. With the clothes as well. Άσπρο/λευκό παντελόνι/white pants, but with the clothes we usually choose the adjective άσπρος. Άσπρη μπλούζα/White blouse, άσπρο πουκάμισο/white shirt, άσπρο σακάκι/white jacket etc.

Unfortunately, we cannot always choose which adjective we like the most. Sometimes we can use only the adjective λευκός and other times only the adjective άσπρος.   Let’s see:

Λευκό κρασί/White wine, Λευκός Οίκος/White House, Λευκός Πύργος/White tower, λευκά είδη/linen  (bed and bath). With the term λευκά είδη/linen we mean bed sheets, tablecloths, towels). While we can say “Προτιμώ τα άσπρα σεντόνια/I prefer the άσπρα σεντόνια/white sheets” or “Αγόρασα ένα άσπρο τραπεζομάντιλο/I bought a άσπρο τραπεζομάντιλο/white tablecloth”, the general term to talk about all of them includes the adjective λευκός. “Η Μαρία παντρεύεται, γιαυτό αύριο θα πάμε να αγοράσουμε λευκά είδη/Maria is going to get married this is why tomorrow we will go to buy linen”.

Let’s go to the next. Λευκή κόλλα is a white paper on which we haven’t written anything yet. It is usually that paper we were writing a test at. When I was a student I hated the phrase that the teachers were using “Βγάλτε μία λευκή κόλλα/take out a piece of paper”. Unfortunately nowadays I say to my students the same phrase too.

Λευκό ποινικό μητρώο: clean criminal record has the person who has not committed any crime. Λευκά αιμοσφαίρια/leucocytes and λευχαιμία/leukemia is called the blood’s disease that is manifested by a very high number of leucocytes.

In the elections when someone does not want to vote any of the existing political parties, we say that he gives “λευκή ψήφος/white vote” or “λευκό ψηφοδέλτιο/white ballot”. The “white vote” is a way of protest against the political system and at the same time the vote is not considered as invalid.

λευκή μαγεία/white magic. I don’t know what exactly is, but here the adjective is used to focus on the contrast between this kind of magic and black magic.

 Λευκή απεργία/work to rule” is called the strike that some people have without stop working completely to not lose their work.

Λευκός θάνατος/white death are called the hard drugs, because it is about a white powder that leads to death.

Λευκός γάμος/white wedding but in Greek it means “fake wedding”. When two people get married without loving one the other or wanting to have a family, but for another reason, usually in order to take one of them a resident permit or maybe to take a legacy.

We use the adjective λευκός for some animals, such as “λευκός καρχαρίας/white shark” and “λευκός ελέφαντας/white elephant”, but also the same adjective is used about the people. We say λευκή φυλή/white race, λευκοί άνθρωποι/white people.

 And let’s go now to the adjective άσπρος/white. We say άσπρο τυρί/white cheese, such as greek feta cheese, cream cheese.

Now some phrases with the word άσπρος. My friends usually tell me “Είσαι άσπρη σαν το γάλα/you are white like the milk”. When somebody’s skin is very “light colored/pale”, we say that he is white like milk.

Άσπρη μέρα/White day is the happy day. This is why you will listen very often Greeks saying “Πότε θα δούμε μια άσπρη μέρα/when are we going to see a white day?/a day without problems”.

Next phrase is ”κάνει το άσπρο μαύρο/he makes the white black. It means “to distort the truth”. So when someone narrates the facts not as they are but in the way he wants in order to prove that he is the good one, we say that he makes the white black.

I kept for the end my favorite phrase. Στη ζωή τίποτα δεν είναι άσπρο ή μαύρο. Υπάρχει και το γκρι./ In the life nothing is white or black. There is grey too. In a difficult situation when we don’t know what to do because we don’t like the two choices we have, a friend of us can say to us. In life nothing is white or black. Using this phrase we encourage the other person because we are telling to him that certainly there is a third choice.

I want also to tell you the three compound words you should know. Ασπρόμαυρος/black and white. we cannot say λευκόμαυρο. We always say ασπρόμαυρο.

The second compound word is ασπρομάλλης/white-haired”. We don’t say λευκομάλλης. He who has white hair is called ασπρομάλλης. But we say that the Greece’s flag is γαλανόλευκη/blue-white. In this compound word we use only the adjective λευκός.


Κυριακή 4 Ιουλίου 2021

The Greek verb φταίω

The Greek verb φταίω

Today we will learn how to use the Greek verb φταίω/to be blame, to be responsible. Many of you find it quite difficult to use this verb because it is not always possible to translate it properly into English. This is why today we will learn how to use it through sentences.

First of all let’s see how to conjugate the verb φταίω in Present tense.


Ενεστώτας/Simple Present/Present Continuous

εγώ φταίω

εσύ φταις

αυτός, αυτή, αυτό φταίει

εμείς φταίμε

εσείς φταίτε

αυτοί, αυτές, αυτά φταίνε/ φταιν


Αόριστος/Simple Past

εγώ έφταιξα

εσύ έφταιξες

αυτός, αυτή, αυτό έφταιξε

εμείς φταίξαμε

εσείς φταίξατε

αυτοί, αυτές, αυτά έφταιξαν/ φταίξανε



Παρατατικός/Past Continuous

εγώ έφταιγα

εσύ έφταιγες

αυτός, αυτή, αυτό έφταιγε

εμείς φταίγαμε

εσείς φταίγατε

αυτοί, αυτές, αυτά έφταιγαν/ φταίγανε


 Μέλλοντας Εξακολουθητικός/Future Continuous

εγώ θα φταίω

εσύ θα φταις

αυτός, αυτή, αυτό θα φταίει

εμείς θα φταίμε

εσείς θα φταίτε

αυτοί, αυτές, αυτά θα φταίνε


Let’s see now some examples.

Εγώ φταίω. Σου ζητώ να με συγχωρήσεις./I am at fault. So, we use the verb to say that I am responsible for a particular situation that has gone wrong. “I am at fault. I am asking you to forgive me”. 

  Εάν έφταιξα, σου ζητώ συγγνώμη./if I did wrong, I am sorry.

Ο Γιώργος έφταιγε, αλλά ο διευθυντής δεν του είπε τίποτα. /George was at fault but the manager didn’t tell him anything.

Όταν ένας γάμος διαλύεται, φταίνε και οι δυο./”when a marriage breaks up, both are to blame.”

Φταίμε κι οι δυο. /”we are both at fault!”

Also, we can use the preposition για after the verb φταίω if we want to mention what bad we have done.

Εσύ φταις για το ατύχημα./”you are to blame for the accident”.

Αυτός φταίει για όσα περνάω τώρα./”he is at fault/he is responsible for everything bad I am living now”. So, we use the verb φταίω, the preposition για and then Accusative.

Ποιος φταίει για το σπασμένο παράθυρο;/”who is to blame for the broken window?”


Another way to use this verb is to say φταίω and then to use a dependent clause to say the reason.

Φταίω κι εγώ που πίστευα ό,τι μου έλεγε. /”it’s my fault too because I was believing everything he was telling to me”.

Η δασκάλα φταίει που δεν ενημέρωσε τους γονείς του μαθητή./  ”it is the teacher’s fault because she didn’t inform the student’s parents”.


It is very common to use the weak form of the personal pronoun in genitive before the verb. For example:

Σε τι έφταιξα και με τιμωρείς;/”what did I do to you and you are punishing me?”,

Τι σου έφταιξε ο σκύλος και τον χτυπάς;/“what did the dog do to you and you are beating it?”

Τι τους έφταιξαν τα αδέσποτα και τα δηλητηρίασαν;/”what did the stray dogs do to them and they poisoned them?”


Also, the neuter noun φταίξιμο comes from the verb φταίω. So we say:

Eσύ φταίς/”you are at fault” or Το φταίξιμο είναι δικό σου/“the fault is yours”.

Εγώ φταίω.Δεν έπρεπε να τον πιστέψω./”I am to blame/I am at fault. I shouldn’t believe him” or

Το φταίξιμο είναι δικό μου. Δεν έπρεπε να τον πιστέψω./“the fault is mine. I shouldn’t believe him”.