Κυριακή 24 Ιανουαρίου 2021

Everyday phrases with the word υγεία

Everyday phrases with the word υγεία

In this lesson we will talk about the Greek word υγεία (η υγεία)/health. Υγεία was an ancient Greek goddess, the goddess of health. She was Asclepius daughter. Asclepius was the father of medicine. Obviously he was a doctor. A very good doctor. The god of gods, Zeus, Ζευς or Δίας in Greek was able to treat all the illnesses, either mental or physical but he was very busy with so many women around that he decided to make Asclepius god of medicine. While Asclepius was the god of medicine, his daughter, Υγεία, was the goddess of health. Health was always the most valuable asset, this is why Greeks until now use the word υγεία/health in many phrases they use every day from morning till night. Let’s see!

1.       You already know that when Greeks meet someone or leave someone, they say γεια. It is probably the most common Greek greeting because we use it both as “hello” and “goodbye”. Γεια σου when we informally talk to one person, γεια when we informally talk to one person or to many people and γεια σας when we talk to many people or to one but we want to be polite. The word γεια comes from the word υγεία, so when Greeks say hello to someone, they wish him to have health, to be healthy. Another greeting is γεια χαρά. In this case we wish to the other person health and happiness.

2.       The second very popular phrase is στην υγειά μας. It is the Greek way to say “cheers” before we drink something and it means “to our health”. When we are with our friends or with our family and we all together drink something, we say στην υγειά μας, but when we go somewhere and the host offers to us something to drink we can say στην υγειά σου if we informally talk to one person or στην υγειά σας if we talk to many people or to one person but we want to be polite. Another way, a little bit more formal, to say cheers is εις υγείαν and again we drink to health.

3.       The next phrase that we almost every day use is γεια στα χέρια σου and the formal way is γεια στα χέρια σας. It means “health to your hands” and we use this phrase when someone makes something very good using his hands, most often when we eat a very delicious food, then we wish to the woman or to the man who cooked the food γεια στα χέρια σου/health to your hands.

4.       Next phrase. Με γεια! It is what we wish to someone who wears new clothes or he has bought something new or he has a new haircut. Με γεια!it is like “it looks good on you” but we actually wish to him or to her to use what he bought with health/to be healthy to use it. Of course we can informally say to one person με γεια σου, or με γεια σας to many people or to be polite. We also use the following phrases: με γεια τα μάτια. We say this phrase  to someone who didn’t see that we wear something new or something important and με γεια τα αφτιά to someone who didn’t hear what we have told him.

5.       Next one. What do we say to someone who sneezes. The most popular  wish we use is γείτσες. The word comes from the word υγεία and of course we wish to the other person to be healthy. Another way is to say με τις υγείες σου to one person and με τις υγείες σας to many. From the 6th century people started wishing to someone who was sneezing to be healthy, because sneezing was plague’s first symptom.

6.       Another phrase, not so popular but my favorite is και εις άλλα με υγεία. We use this phrase either when we are in a bad situation or when we something very good has happen, we wish και εις άλλα με υγεία. It means that we are ready to go on with health. We want to be healthy and have new experiences.

7.       The next phrase is έχε γεια! It is a greeting we mainly use when we leave someone but it is not often used. People use this phrase to say goodbye to someone they will not meet again for a long time. It is possible to listen this phrase if you watch a Greek film. It is often used by the actors to say goodbye to their friends and family members before ending their life. They wish to people they love to have health.

8.       And the last phrase βρήκα την υγειά μου/I found my health. It can be used either literally or metaphorically. For example when we get well after a long time we were sick, we can say: Επιτέλους, βρήκα την υγειά μου./finally I found my health/I am fine again. We use it metaphorically too when we want to say that something changed in our life and we feel so good, we don’t have problems anymore. For example, I wake up every morning at 6 o’clock to take the bus and go to my work. Then, I buy a car and I can say: Από τότε που πήρα το αυτοκίνητο βρήκα την υγειά μου./since I bought the car, I found my health/everything is better/I have no problems any more.


Σάββατο 16 Ιανουαρίου 2021

Shopping vocabulary in Greek


Shopping vocabulary in Greek

In this lesson we will learn the shopping vocabulary. This is the first part and we will learn all these phrases you should know to buy clothes and shoes. Imagine that you are at an εμπορικό κέντρο (το εμπορικό κέντρο)/shopping center. In the shopping center there are many shops.

Το μαγαζί-τα μαγαζιά/το κατάστημα-τα καταστήματα/shops

For example there are:

Καταστήματα παιχνιδιών (το κατάστημα παιχνιδιών/τα καταστήματα παιχνιδιών)/toy stores

Καταστήματα αθλητικών ειδών (το κατάστημα αθλητικών ειδών/τα καταστήματα αθλητικών ειδών)/ sporting goods stores

Κομμωτήρια (το κομμωτήριο/τα κομμωτήρια)/hairdressers/hair salons

Φαρμακεία (το φαρμακείο/τα φαρμακεία)/pharmacies

Καταστήματα ηλεκτρικών ειδών (το κατάστημα ηλεκτρικών ειδών/τα καταστήματα ηλεκτρικών ειδών)/ electrical stores

Καταστήματα υποδημάτων (το κατάστημα υποδημάτων/τα καταστήματα υποδημάτων) /shoe shops, where you can find:

Ανδρικά παπούτσια/men’s shoes

Γυναικεία παπούτσια/ women’s shoes

Παιδικά παπούτσια/children’s shoes

Μπότες (η μπότα/οι μπότες)/boots

Γόβες (η γόβα/οι γόβες)/heels

Παντόφλες (η παντόφλα/οι παντόφλες)/slippers

Πέδιλα (το πέδιλο/τα πέδιλα)/sandals


So let’s go to buy boots.

-Καλημέρα. / Good morning.

- Γεια σας./Hello. Καλώς ήρθατε/ Welcome. Τι ψάχνετε;/What are you looking for? Μπορώ να σας βοηθήσω;/ Can I help you?

So, when we go to a shop the seller comes to ask if we need his help.

Θέλετε βοήθεια;/do you want help?

Χρειάζεστε βοήθεια;/ do you need help?

Πώς θα μπορούσα να σας βοηθήσω;/how could I help you?

Ψάχνετε κάτι συγκεκριμένο; / are you looking for anything in particular? Are some of the possible seller’s questions. If you need their help you can answer by telling:

Ναι, θα ήθελα……./yes I would like………………

Ναι, σας παρακαλώ. Ψάχνω για…………/yes please. I am looking for………….

If you don’t need their help you can say: Όχι, ευχαριστώ. Μια ματιά θα ρίξω./no, thanks. I will only take a look/ I am just looking.

Όχι ευχαριστώ. Αν χρειαστώ βοήθεια, θα σας φωνάξω/ No thank you. If I need help, I will call you/ I will tell you.

If the seller does not come and you need help, you can tell to him or to her:

Συγγνώμη, θα μπορούσατε να έρθετε;/excuse me, could you come?

Θα μπορούσατε να με βοηθήσετε;/could you help me?

Let’s go back to our dialogue.

Θα ήθελα ένα ζευγάρι μπότες./I would like a pair of boots. We always say ένα ζευγάρι παπούτσια/a pair of shoes

Ένα ζευγάρι γόβες/a pair of heels

Ένα ζευγάρι παντόφλες/a pair of slippers

Μου αρέσουν πολύ οι καφέ που έχετε στη βιτρίνα./I like a lot the brown you have in the in the shop window. Τις έχετε και σε μαύρο;/Do you have them in black too?

Δυστυχώς, όχι./Unfortunately, not. Μόνο σε καφέ./Only in brown. Σας αρέσουν αυτές εδώ;/Do you like these here?

Eίναι πολύ ωραίες, αλλά πολύ ψηλές./They are very beautiful but very tall. Θα τις προτιμούσα με χαμηλό τακούνι./I would prefer them to have a lower/shorter heel. Για κάθε μέρα τις θέλω./I want them for every day.

Κοιτάξτε και αυτές εδώ./Look at them too. Είναι πολύ άνετες./They are very comfortable.

Τις έχετε σε μαύρο;/Do you have them in black color?

Nαι. Θέλετε να τις δοκιμάσετε;/Yes, do you want to try them on?

Ναι, εάν είναι εύκολο./Yes, if it is easy.

Φυσικά. Τι νούμερο φοράτε;/Of course. What size do you wear?


Oρίστε. Σας κάνουν;/Here you are. Do they fit you?

Σας κάνουν;/it literally means “do they make you?”we will learn later in this lesson when we use the phrases μου κάνει/ μου πάει

Ναι. Είναι πολύ ωραίες./Yes they are very good. Πόσο κάνουν;/How much do they cost?

40 ευρώ. Θα τις πάρετε;/40 euro. Will you buy them?

Έτσι νομίζω. Μπορώ να πληρώσω με κάρτα;/I think so. Can I pay with a card?


Πληρώνω με κάρτα/I pay with a card or με μετρητά/with cash


In a shopping center also there are:

Καταστήματα καλλυντικών (το κατάστημα καλλυντικών/τα καταστήματα καλλυντικών)/cosmetics stores, from where you can buy:

Είδη περιποίησης προσώπου/face care items, such as:

Κρέμα ημέρας/day cream

Κρέμα ματιών/eye cream

Ενυδατική κρέμα/moisturizing cream

Προϊόντα καθαρισμού προσώπου/ face cleansers

Προϊόντα μακιγιάζ/ make up products

Αρώματα (το άρωμα/τα αρώματα)/ perfumes

Αποσμητικά (το αποσμητικό/τα αποσμητικά)/ deodorants

προϊόντα περιποίησης σώματος/ body care products:

το αφρόλουτρο/bubble bath

το σαπούνι/soap

η κρέμα σώματος/body cream

η κρέμα χεριών/hand cream

προϊόντα περιποίησης μαλλιών/hair care products


κοσμηματοπωλεία (το κοσμηματοπωλείο/τα κοσμηματοπωλεία)/ jewelry stores

βιβλιοπωλεία (το βιβλιοπωλείο/τα βιβλιοπωλεία)/book shops

καταστήματα εσωρούχων (το κατάστημα εσωρούχων/τα καταστήματα εσωρούχων)/lingerie stores, where you can find:

ανδρικά, γυναικεία και παιδικά εσώρουχα/men’s, women’s and children’s underwears:

κάλτσες (η κάλτσα/οι κάλτσες)/shocks

φανελάκια (το φανελάκι/τα φανελάκια)/vests

πιτζάμες/ pajamas

νυχτικά/ nightgowns

ρόμπες /robes

and of course there are καταστήματα ρούχων/καταστήματα ενδυμάτων/clothing stores.

We have καταστήματα ανδρικών ρούχων/mens clothing stores

Καταστήματα γυναικείων ρούχων/womens clothing stores

Καταστήματα παιδικών ρούχων/ children’s clothing stores


So, let’s go to buy clothes.

The first thing you should do when you enter a shop is to look around you for προσφορές/ η προσφορά-οι προσφορές/the offer and εκπτώσεις/η έκπτωση-οι εκπτώσεις/the discount.

Here is a list with the clothes we can buy at a clothing store:

Η μπλούζα/blouse

Το φόρεμα/dress

Η φούστα/skirt

Το παντελόνι/pants

Το σορτς/shorts

Το φούτερ/sweatshirt

Το κοστούμι/ suit

Το πουλόβερ/sweater

Το πουκάμισο/shirt

Το παλτό/coat

Also, we can find αξεσουάρ. It is a foreign word, so it is indeclinable (το αξεσουάρ-τα αξεσουάρ)

Το γάντι-τα γάντια/gloves

Το κασκόλ/scarf

O σκούφος/cap

Το καπέλο/hat

Η γραβάτα/necktie

η τσάντα/bag


-Καλημέρα σας./good morning to you. Χρειάζεστε βοήθεια;/Do you need help?

-Ναι, θα ήθελα ένα μαύρο πουλόβερ./ yes, I would like a black sweater.

-Σας αρέσει αυτό εδώ;/do you like this one here?

-Ναι, είναι πολύ ωραίο. Πόσο κοστίζει;/yes, it is very beautiful. How much does it cost?

-45 ευρώ./45 euro.

-Είναι πολύ ακριβό./it is very expensive.

-Επειδή είναι μάλλινο. Είναι πολύ ζεστό./because it is woolen. It is very hot.

-Μπορείτε να μου δείξετε κάποιο άλλο πιο οικονομικό;/can you show me another cheaper?

-Αυτό πώς σας φαίνεται; Είναι στα 25 ευρώ./how do you like this one? It is at 25 euro.

-Είναι πολύ ωραίο. Μπορώ να το δοκιμάσω;/it is beautiful. Can I try it on?

-Φυσικά. Το δοκιμαστήριο είναι στα αριστερά σας. Τι νούμερο να σας δώσω;/of course. The fitting room is on your left. What size should I give you?


- Πώς είναι;/how is it? Σας κάνει;/Does it fit you?

-Είναι λίγο στενό. Μπορείτε να μου φέρετε το large;/it is a liitle bit tight. Can you bring me the large?

-Oρίστε./here you are. Ναι, αυτό είναι το νούμερό σας./Yes, this is your size. Σας πάει πολύ./It suits you a lot.

-Κι εμένα μου αρέσει./I like it too.

-Θα το αγοράσετε;/will you buy it?

-Ναι, θα το πάρω./yes, I will take it.

-Θέλετε κάτι άλλο;/Do you want anything else?

-Όχι, ευχαριστώ./no, thank you.


The most common adj we use to describe the clothes we try on are:

Ο στενός-η στενή-το στενό/tight

Ο φαρδύς-η φαρδιά-το φαρδύ/loose

Ο μακρύς-η μακριά-το μακρύ/tall

Ο κοντός-η κοντή-το κοντό/short

Ο μικρός-η μικρή-το μικρό/small

Ο μεγάλος- η μεγάλη-το μεγάλο/big


Let’s see now 3 very important phrases we use a lot in daily life.

We use the phrase  μου κάνει to say “it fits me”. So we use the verb κάνω in third singular person if what we talk about is a noun in singular. For example μου κάνει το πουκάμισο./the shirt fits me. If we want to say that it doesn’t fit me, we will add the negative small word δε(ν) at the beginning of the phrase. Δε μου κάνει/it does not fit me. If the noun is in plural we will use the third plural person of the verb κάνω . Δε μου κάνουν τα παπούτσια/the shoes do not fit me. If we want to talk about someone else, we will change the weak form of the personal pronoun. So σου κάνει/ σου κάνουν/it fits/they fit you

Του κάνει/it fits him

Της κάνει/it fits her

Don’t forget that we use this phrase to say if the size is good to us or not, but we use the phrase μου πάει to say if it looks beautiful something we wear. Μου πάει and a noun in nominative Singular or μου πάνε and a noun in nom plural.

Μου πάει η μπλούζα;/does this blouse suit me?

Δε σου πάνε αυτά τα παπούτσια./these shoes do not suit you.

Also, we use the verb πάω in third singular or plural persons to say that some clothes look beautiful together. For example:

Αυτό το παντελόνι πάει πολύ με το κόκκινο πουκάμισό μου./this pants fits with my red shirt or αυτό το παντελόνι ταιριάζει πολύ με το κόκκινο πουκάμισό μου.

Πάει με/ταιριάζει με/fits with

Αυτή η τσάντα δεν πάει/δεν ταιριάζει με τα παπούτσια σου./this bag does not match with your shoes.

Let’s see some phrases you may need:

Θα μπορούσατε να μου πείτε πού είναι το δοκιμαστήριο;/could you tell me where is the fitting room?

Tο έχετε σε μικρότερο νούμερο?/do you have it/is there in smaller size?

Το έχετε σε μεγαλύτερο νούμερο?/do you have it/is there in bigger size?

Είναι για δώρο. Μπορείτε να το τυλίξετε;/it is for a gift/it is a gift. Can you wrap it??

Εάν δεν του/της κάνει, μπορούμε να το αλλάξουμε;if it desnt fit him/her, can we change it?