13ο μάθημα (Lesson
tense’s orthography/ Spelling rules:
All the first group verbs ending in –ono, are always written with
-ω. They have –ω in
the second from the end syllable and they
maintain it in all persons and tenses.
ανακυκλώνω: I recycle
αναδασώνω: I reforest, I
replant with trees.
ανανεώνω: I renew
The first group verbs ending in –izo are written with
ζωγραφίζω: I draw, I paint
φωτογραφίζω: I photograph, I take pictures
ψωνίζω: I buy, I go shopping
αθροίζω: I add up
δακρύζω: I shed tears, fill with tears
δανείζω: I loan, lend
πήζω: I congeal, curdle, set
πρήζω: I swell, give a hard time (metaphorically)
αναβλύζω: I spring, I gush, spout
κατακλύζω: I flood, inundate (metaphorically)
συγχύζω: I upset, perturb
σφύζω: I pulsate, throb, beat
The active first group verbs ending in –evo are
written with –ευ.
δουλεύω: I work
ψαρεύω: I fish
χορεύω: I dance
κλέβω: I steal, I swipe, I filch, I rob, I kidnap
Τhe first group verbs ending in –eno are written with –αι.
μαθαίνω: I learn, I teach, I hear (news)
καταλαβαίνω: I understand,
I comprehend
πηγαίνω: I go
μένω: I stay, I remain, I live, be left
δένω: : I tie, I bind, I fetter, I bandage
πλένω: I wash, I scrub, I launder
επιμένω: I insist, I persevere
περιμένω: I wait, I look forward to, I expect
ξεπλένω: I rinse, I wash
ξεδένω: I untie
ξαναδένω: I tie again
προσμένω: I wait, I look
αναμένω: I await, I wat, I expect
υπομένω: I endure, I bear, I am patient
The first group verbs ending in –avo are written with –β.
ανάβω: I light, I set fire, I turn on, I switch on, I get
σκάβω: I dig, I excavate
θάβω: I bury, I inter
παύω: I cease, I stop, I keep silent
αναπαύω: I rest, I give rest
καταπαύω: I cease, I stop
απολαύω: I profit, I enjoy
Τhe first group verbs ending in –erno are written with
φέρνω: I bring, I bear, I carry, I lead, I take
δέρνω: I beat, I thrash
σπέρνω: I sow
σέρνω: I drag, I pull, I trail, I plod, I lug
γδέρνω: I skin, I flay
γέρνω: I tilt, I bend, I lean, I incline
παίρνω: I take, I get
Τhe first group verbs ending in –iazo are written with –ι.
αγκαλιάζω: I embrace, I hug, I encircle
ξαφνιάζω: I startle, I frighten
νευριάζω: I irritate, I get on s.o’s nerves, I get angry
αδειάζω: I empty, I vacate
μονοιάζω: I reconcile, I make up
μοιάζω: I resemble, I look like
εκθειάζω: I praise, I extol