Τρίτη 1 Οκτωβρίου 2019

Έβδομο μάθημα (= lesson 7)

Έβδομο μάθημα (= lesson 7)

            Προσωπικές Αντωνυμίες (=Personal Pronouns)
            Εγώ : I
            Εσύ : You
            Αυτός : He
            Αυτή : She
            Αυτό : It
            Εμείς : We
            Εσείς : You
            Αυτοί : They (for male nouns)
            Αυτές : They (for female nouns)
            Αυτά : They (for neutral nouns)
            We use the personal pronouns in Nominative as a subject of a sentence instead of
            a noun.
            Ο Γιώργος παίζει κιθάρα (George plays the guitar).
            We can replace the name Γιώργος” with the personal pronoun “αυτός”.
            Αυτός παίζει κιθάρα (he plays the guitar).

            In Greek it is not obligatory to use the personal pronouns in Nominative with
 verbs because the Personal endings of the verbs indicate the person.
            Παίζω κιθάρα (I play the guitar).
            It is clear that the subject is “εγώ”.

            We use the personal pronouns in Nominative with verbs when we want to focus on
            the subject of the sentence.
            Εγώ μιλάω τώρα, όχι εσύ! (I speak now, not you).

            Eγώ είμαι από την Ελλάδα, εσύ; (I am from Greece, you?)

            Also, we use the personal pronouns in Nominative in one word answers.
            -Who is it in the door?
            - Eγώ. 

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