Παρασκευή 15 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Μάθημα 15 (=lesson 15)

Μάθημα 15 (=lesson 15)
            The greek definite article differs according to the gender, the number,
            and the case.
Αρσενικό (masculine)
            Ενικός αριθμός (Singular)                  Πληθυντικός αριθμός (Plural)
            Oνομαστική (Nominative):                Oνομαστική (Nominative):
                        ο                                                         οι
            Γενική (Genitive):                              Γενική (Genitive):
                        του                                                     των
            Aιτιατική (Accusative):                      Aιτιατική (Accusative):
                        τον                                                      τους

Θηλυκό (feminine)
            Ενικός αριθμός (Singular)                  Πληθυντικός αριθμός (Plural)
            Oνομαστική (Nominative):                Oνομαστική (Nominative):
                        η                                                         οι
            Γενική (Genitive):                              Γενική (Genitive):
                        της                                                      των
            Aιτιατική (Accusative):                      Aιτιατική (Accusative):
                        τη(ν)                                                   τις

            Οrthography rule:
The feminine singular definite article in accusative is written and pronounced like τη or την. It depends on the first letter of the following word. If the first
            letter of the following word is a vowel or one of the following consonants
             κ, π, τ, ψ, ξ, or one consonant combination μπ, ντ, γκ, τζ, τσ , then we
            write and pronounce a –ν at the end of the aricle (την).
            την αλήθεια
            την πεταλούδα
            When the first letter of the following word is one of the other consonants
            then we don’t put a –ν at the end of the article (τη).
            τη μαμά
            τη γάτα
            τη θάλασσα

Ουδέτερο (neutral)
            Ενικός αριθμός (Singular)                  Πληθυντικός αριθμός (Plural)
            Oνομαστική ominative):                Oνομαστική (Nominative):
                        το                                                       τα
            Γενική (Genitive):                              Γενική (Genitive):
                        του                                                     των
            Aιτιατική (Accusative):                      Aιτιατική (Accusative):
                        το                                                       τα

            Ιmportant tip: We never put accent mark in definite articles, because
            we don’t put accent mark in one syllable words.

1.      We use the greek definite article when we talk about a person, an
            animal or an object which is known or has been previously introduced.
            Θα αγοράσω το αυτοκίνητο της Μαρίας (I will buy Marias car).
            We use definite article because we talk specifically about Maria’s car.
When we want to say generally that we will buy a car, then we don’t
            have to use article: Θα αγοράσω αυτοκίνητο.
            The second article of the sentence (της) is the feminine definite article
            in genitive (the car of Maria, Maria’s car). In Greek we usually use
            definite articles with main names.
            Ο Γιώργος είναι δάσκαλος (George is teacher).
            Aγαπώ τον Γιώργο (I love George).
2.      We use definite article when we talk generally about a group of
similar things.
 Ο σκύλος είναι ο πιο πιστός φίλος του ανθρώπου (Dog is mans most
loyal friend).
Τα γλυκά μας παχαίνουν (Sweets fatten us). 

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