Τετάρτη 1 Ιανουαρίου 2020

Μάθημα 19 (lesson 19)

Μάθημα 19 (lesson 19)
            Consonant pronunciation rules:
            First rule:
            When in the middle of the word the consonant –γ (gama) is written
            before the consonant χ (hi), then we pronounce the –γ like –ν (ni).
            το άγχος: anxiety
            συγχαρητήρια: congratulations
            εγχείρηση: operation, surgery
            έγχρωμος: colored
            εγχειρίδιο: handbook, manual, dagger
            εγχείρημα: venture, attempt

            Second rule:
            When the consonant –μ (mi) is written before the consonant –ψ (psi), then
            we pronounce the –ψ like –σ (sigma).
            η κάμψη: bending, flection
            η λάμψη: brightness, glitter
            ο γαμψός (adj): hooked

            Third rule:
            When the consonant –π (pi) is written between the consonants –μ (mi) and
            -τ (taf), then we don’t pronounce it.
            το σύμπτωμα: symptom
            η σύμπτωση: coincidence
            κάμπτω: bend
            πέμπτος: fifth
Πέμπτη: Thursday
Forth rule:
When the consonant –σ (sigma) is written before the consonants β (vita),
γ (gama), δ (thelta), λ (lamtha), μ (mi), ν (ni) or –ρ (ro), then we pronounce
the –σ like  -ζ (zeta).
το σμήνος: swarm, gaggle, watch, flight
ο σγουρός (adj): curled
η εισροή: influx
σβήνω: switch off, turn off, blow out, extinguish
προσλαμβάνω: employ,  engage, hire
σμίκρυνση: shortening, diminution
προσδοκία: expectation
προσδιορίζω: fix, determine

According to the same rule when a word’s last letter is –ς (sigma teliko) and
the first letter of the following word is β, γ, δ, λ, μ, ν, ρ, then we pronounce the
like –ζ (zeta).
της γάτας (cat’s) – tiz gatas
της βάρκας (boat’s) – tiz varkas.

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