Παρασκευή 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

How to say “How are you?” and “I am fine” in Greek. Lesson 30.

How to say “How are you?” and “I am fine” in Greek.
Lesson 30.

            There are several ways to say “How are you” and “I am fine” in Greek. Today
            we will learn some of them.
1.      The most popular way to say “How are you?” is:
Τι κάνεις; (How do you do?)
Κάνεις is the second singular person of the verb κάνω (I make, I do).
We can informally say to one person: Τι κάνεις;
And if we want to be polite or if we talk to many people we can say:
Τι κάνετε;
2.      Also we can informally say to one person:
Πώς είσαι; (How are you?)
And if we want to be polite or if we talk to many people:
Πώς είστε;
Ø  We can use the formal versions of the first two ways when we talk to
elders and generally when we want to be polite.

            Informal ways we can use with our friends:
3.      Όλα καλά;
Καλά is an adverb and it means “fine, good, well” and όλα here means
“everything”. So “Όλα καλά;” means “Is everything ok?”
We can use it when we talk to one person or to many.
4.      Τι γίνεται;
Γίνεται is the third singular person of the verb γίνομαι (become, take place, happen). So “Τι γίνεται;” is something like “what’s up?” and we can use it when we talk to one person or to many.
5.      Πώς πάει;
Πάει is the third singular person of the verb πάω/πηγαίνω (I go), so “Πώς πάει;” means “How is it going?/ What’s up?” and we can use it when we talk to one person or to many.

1.      Είμαι καλά, ευχαριστώ./ Καλά είμαι, ευχαριστώ.
I am fine, thanks.
2.      Καλά.
3.      Πολύ καλά.
Very well.
4.      Μια χαρά.
Very well/ Great.
5.      Έτσι κι έτσι.
So so.
6.      Καλούτσικα.
Not so bad.
7.      Όχι και τόσο καλά.
Not so good.
8.      Δεν είμαι καλά.
I am not fine.
9.      Χάλια.
Rotten/ Very bad.

Ø  If we want to say “and you?”, we can informally say to one person:
Εσύ; And if we want to be polite or if we talk to many people we can say Eσείς;
Eίμαι καλά, ευχαριστώ. Εσείς;
Όλα καλά, εσύ;
Μια χαρά, εσύ;
Καλά, εσύ;


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