Παρασκευή 22 Μαΐου 2020

The small words ό,τι and ότι.

The small words ό,τι and ότι.
Lesson 45

            Today we will talk about the words ότι and ό,τι.
            Τhe word ότι without comma is a conjuction introducing a dependent
            sentence, a sentence incapable of standing alone as a complete sentence.
            When the conjuction ότι without comma introduces a dependent sentence,
            the verb of the independent sentence is in general a verb of saying, showing,
            perceiving, knowing. The most popular of them are:
            ξέρω: I know
            γνωρίζω:  I know
            νομίζω: I think
            θεωρώ: I consider
            πιστεύω: I believe
            υποθέτω: I suppose
            λέω: I say
            αναφέρω: I mention
            γράφω: I write
            διαβάζω: I read
            μαθαίνω: I learn/I hear
            ειδοποιώ: I notify, I inform
            καταλαβαίνω: I understand
            ανακοινώνω: I announce
            αντιλαμβάνομαι: I perceive
            δείχνω: I show
            βλέπω: I see
            νιώθω: I feel
            παρατηρώ: I notice, I observe

            Also we can use the conjuction ότι without comma after an impersonal phrase:
            Είναι γνωστό ότι……/It is known that……
            Είναι βέβαιο ότι……./It is certain that….
            Or after phrases like:
            Είμαι σίγουρος ότι……./I am sure that……
            Έχω την πληροφορία ότι……/I have the information that…..
            Έχω τη γνώμη ότι…../I have the opinion that……

So, the conjuction ότι without comma can be translated into English like
“that”. Let’s see some examples:
Ξέρω ότι δε μαγαπάς/I know that you don’t love me.

We can use instead of the conjuction ότι without comma, the conjuction πως
without accent mark. Ξέρω ότι δε μαγαπάς/I know that you don’t love me.

Nομίζω ότι ο Κώστας χρειάζεται τη βοήθειά σου/Νομίζω πως ο Κώστας
χρειάζεται τη βοήθειά σου./I think that Kostas needs your help.

The word ό,τι with comma is a relative pronoun introducing relative
dependent sentences and it means οτιδήποτε (whatever,anything).
For example:
Θα μαγειρέψω ό, τι θέλεις./ I will cook whatever you want.
Όταν κάποιος είναι πλούσιος μπορεί να αγοράσει ό, τι θέλει/When someone
is rich he can buy whatever he wants.
Δεν μπορείς να επιστρέφεις στο σπίτι ό, τι ώρα θέλεις./You can not come
back home any time/ whenever you want.

So the word ότι without comma is a conjuction which means “that” and we
can use instead of it the conjuction πως without accent mark.
The word ό, τι with comma is a relative pronoun and we can use instead of
it the word οτιδήποτε which means “whatever”.      

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