The words πως and πώς.
Lesson 46.
the last lesson we talked about the difference between the words ότι and ό,τι
we learnt that we can use instead of the conjuction ότι the conjuction πως
accent mark. Today we learn the difference between the words πως
and πώς.
The word πως is an one syllable word and
according to the rules we’ve learnt,
we don’t put accent mark to one syllable words, but
the word πως is one of
the exceptions.
The word πως without accent mark is a conjuction
introducing a dependent
clause. When the conjuction πως introduces a dependent clause, the
verb of
the independent sentence is a verb of saying, knowing,
perceiving, showing
(you can find the most popular of them in our last
For example:
Δημήτρης είπε πως θα έρθει στο σπίτι μου απόψε (Dimitris said that he will
come to my home tonight).
πως το φετινό καλοκαίρι θα είναι πολύ ζεστό (I believe that this
year’s summer will be very hot).
πως πρέπει να είσαι πιο ευγενικός με τους πελάτες μας (I consider/
I think that you have to be more polite with our
Ξέρεις πως δεν τρώω κρέας (You know that I don’t eat meat).
Also we can use the conjuction πως after an impersonal phrase:
Είναι γνωστό πως……./it is known that…..
Είναι σίγουρο πως……/it is sure that….
Είναι βέβαιο πως……./it is certain that….
Or after phrases like:
Έχω τη γνώμη πως…../I have the opinion that/ I think that….
Έχω την πληροφορία πως…./I have the information that…..
σίγουρος/ σίγουρη πως…../I
The word πώς with accent mark is a question word.
Πώς είσαι; / How are you?
Πώς θα μαγειρέψεις το κοτόπουλο;/ how
will you cook the chicken?-with which way?
So, the word πώς with accent mark is a
question word introducing an independent interrogative sentence.
But the word πώς is not stressed only when we have a
direct question. The word πώς introduces dependent clauses as
For example:
μπορώ να πάω στο βυζαντινό μουσείο;/
How can i go to the byzantine
Mια γυναίκα ρωτάει πώς μπορεί να πάει στο
βυζαντινό μουσείο./A
asking how she can go to the byzantine museum. Here
the word πώς with
accent mark is an adverb introducing a dependent
clause which is the object
of the independent sentence’s verb.
When the adverb πώς introduces a dependent clause the
verb of the independent sentence is a verb like:
ρωτάω/ ρωτώ: I ask
απορώ: I wonder
λέω: I say
εξηγώ: I explain
δείχνω: I show
μαθαίνω: I learn/ I hear
i guess
Μαρία μού είπε πώς να έρθω./Maria
told me how to come.
Κώστας μού εξήγησε πώς έγινε το ατύχημα./ Κostas explained to me how
the accident happened.
στην Αριάδνη πώς μαγειρεύεται ο μουσακάς./ Ι
showed to Ariadni how mousakas is cooked.
πώς λέγεται η κόρη της Μαρίας./ Guess
how Maria’s daughter is called/which is her name.
Μου είπε πως έγινε ένα ατύχημα./He/ She told me that an accident happened.
When we can replace the conjuction πως with the conjuction ότι without comma, then we have to write
it without accent mark.
είπε πως έγινε ένα ατύχημα/ Μου είπε ότι έγινε ένα ατύχημα.
Μου είπε πώς έγινε το ατύχημα/ He/ She told me how the accident happened.
We know that we have to write the word πώς with accent mark when we can take
the dependent clause and make an independent interrogative sentence/ a direct
είπε πώς έγινε το ατύχημα. / Πώς έγινε το ατύχημα;
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